Who and what will we protect?

Small black and yellow bird sitting on a thin branch.

Regent Honeyeater. Credit: Jss367, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons.

At the recent Making the Invisible Visible symposium in Sydney, Australia, Timo Rissanen drew on his experience as a bird watcher, artist, fashion scholar and gay man to link the global loss of species and the global HIV Aids crisis.

Through artistic expression, scientific observation and common sense reasoning, Rissanen cuts through the tired sustainable fashion debates about material and supply chain impacts, and cracks the heart wide open.

Rissanen’s humility and skillful story-telling model the power and potency of creative ways to bypass overly complicated technical information to get at something much deeper and fundamentally human - leaving the audience with a ‘concrete choice’:

Who and what will we protect or decide will no longer exist?

Poignant, inspiring and motivating.


Irene Maldini


Wikipedia edit-a-thon 2023